Check out the festivities:

Mean mug...

K now smile...


Erwin's new crib! We watched a couple 24/7's to prep for the fight that would happen the next day

Off to 6...
Shortkut warming the crowd up

SF Teas up to no good!

RI$KY Bros Ant-1 & Tipp killed it on 4 turntables

Umm we gets bizzy!

No more alcohol for you, whoever you are.

Dom with her peoples

Dan & sidebuster wanting to get in our pix

Upsidedown you're turnin me, turnin me...

Rube got it in....don't get in a circle with this guy unless you wanna go down. yeeee...

Miso says "The End."

Victory blunt...
**Photo credits go to Cathy for stealing my camera and taking all sorts of wacky action, including a pic of a guy taking a piss in the bathroom that I chose not to post. Tsk Tsk Cutty...**
December 11, 2008 at 11:20 PM
but why does it look like im smoking??? baaa
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